a little life. a big legacy.

This company was born when my daughter died.

I’m Hannah, Camellia’s mom. When our beautiful, feisty girl was born sleeping, it seemed like everyone was asking what they could do to help. We had a simple request: Say her name. Remember her. Light a candle in her honor. From there, #candlesforcamellia took on a life of its own. Friends across the country and even some across the world lit candles in memory of our girl, and those little flames became her legacy. In my grief, I sought out a way to feel close to her, to honor her, and to give back to the wonderful organizations that helped our family through our unimaginable loss. I’ll never claim to be a chandler, but I’ve enjoyed crafting scents that bring me comfort and a process that keeps my hands and mind busy. If my little healing hobby can bring a bit happiness and light into other people’s homes, all the better!

We had an incredible, instant support system when Camellia died. Within moments of her birth, Mercy HeartPrints was close by, offering so many options to help us heal. They took beautiful photos, shared information on the logistics we never thought we’d have to consider, and provided a special cooled cot that allowed Camellia to remain in our room throughout our hospital stay. Upon returning home, we reached out to The Finley Project, who provided grocery gifts cards, counseling, and massage as part of their holistic healing program. These organizations helped piece us back together in our lowest moments, and I genuinely cannot imagine where we would be without them; because of their immeasurable importance, 15% of all proceeds will be donated to organizations that help families navigate stillbirth and infant loss. 

Unfortunately, stillbirth isn’t as uncommon as we like to think. The community is wonderful (for a club no one wishes to be part of) and one thing I’ve learned from my fellow loss families is how important it is to share our babies’ stories and speak their names even after their hearts stop beating. These particular scents were hand selected by my dear friends in memory of their babies. 

Camellia- Camellia Noelle Pham

Elliot- Elliot Van Pham

Emmie- Emmie Renee Tintori

Grace- Grace Goodpaster

Leo- Leo Victor Wyzlic

Rainey- Rainey McGowan 

Teddy- Theodora Wilde Yax

Watson- Watson Michael Estes

Wells- Wells Scott Hoover

there’s more to the story.

Grief is fluid. While Camellia’s birth and the immediate aftermath are what inspired this company, it’s the ongoing grief and life experiences that have truly shaped it into what it has become, and will continue to shape it in the future. We bared our souls to share Camellia with the world, and it was therapeutic; so it feels only right to continue to share our family’s journey with all of you.